Cleaning Fiber
Well scoured fleeces are obtained by washing in hot water and soap to remove the impurities (lanolin, dirt, grease.). Water must be at least 120 degrees F.
Fleece in the washing machine
Washing wool – Fill a container with hot water (120 degrees F) add detergent until the water feels slightly slick to the touch. Try not to create bubbles. Submerge the wool and allow to soak ½ to 1 hour, do not let the water cool. If needed repeat. Rinse in hot water until the water is clear.
Scouring wool – Fill a container with hot water (110 degrees F). Submerge the wool and allow to soak for 10 minuets. Do not allow the water to cool. Drain the water. Fill a container with hot water (120 degrees F) add detergent until the water feels slightly slick to the touch. Try not to create bubbles. Submerge the wool and allow to soak ½ to 1 hour. If needed repeat. Rinse in hot water until the water is clear.
Dip Washing wool – for worsted spun yarn, dip washing is a good way to clean the wool and keep the locks together and aligned. There are two methods to dip wash locks:
1) Arrange locks on a plastic window screen, loosely roll the screen. Fill a container or sink with hot water submerge the locks in the hot water for a rinse. Fill a container or sink with hot water, add soap then submerge the locks in the soapy water. Gently squeeze the screen to help move the soapy water over the locks. Remove gently squeeze the water out. Fill container hot water, rinse the locks. Repeat the rinse. Lay flat to dry.
2) Hold a lock of wool by the cut end. Swish the lock in hot soapy water, rub the end to remove impurities, swish until clean. Turn the lock over and repeat. Rinse in the same manner. Lay flat to dry with cut ends pointing the same direction.
Washed mohair fleece
Where to now?
- Our Studio - back to the beginning.
- Shearing Day - where those wooly critters get a hair cut.
- Choosing a Quality Fleece - where we learn how to get the best fleece.
- Preparing Fiber to Use - where we learn how to card and comb.
- more to come