Our Ewes
Icelandic sheep are moderate in size making them easy to handle. They are hardy, self-reliant sheep. Our goal is to develop a small very colorful flock of high quality breeding stock, with emphasis on quality fleece for the hand-spinner, milkiness for fast growing lambs and meaty conformation for market lambs. We breed the ewes yearly and shear twice a year, usually in April and October. What we lack in quantity, we make up for in quality. Our sheep are registered through the CLR (Canadian Livestock Registry) and We are participating in the scrapie program. Our record keeping is meticulous.
We know each ewe and call them by name, yes some of them even answer to their name. Some of our breeding ewes are personal pets that our family members have picked out daubed as ‘their’ ewes, named them and take personal pride in their accomplishments and personality traits. We value our woolly friends and make every effort to help them enjoy long happy healthy lives.
Zen -[Flekkur/Dalur/Horvi]
BWT ETP BWS ZEN 002T – (2007-2) Black/grey-spotting Carries moorit. (1,2,2)
Sire: CUPID M5SH 32S -(Moorit with spotting-horned)
Dam(Brinna): SRX EWE B2P 596R -[CAN]596292-P -Saddleback (Black/grey) .
Zen was our first bottle baby and only ewe lamb born in 2007. I believe her mother became confused by a second lamb when they got separated just after Zen was born. Me, still being a new Shepherdess did not know how to get them back together so I bottle fed her. She is so sweet and looks for me whenever she hears my voice. She will never leave our farm. Excellent fleece.
Wendy -[Dalur/Sonar]
BWT WENDY E 01P 28W-(2009-2) white. Carries black.
Sire: SRX AI RAM 01P 761S -[CAN]608068 -AI by Dalur (White-Polled)
Dam: SRX EWE B5P 869S -[CAN]611616 -Sonar (Black/grey)
Wendy is a tall long bodied ewe who has become very friendly and will allow me to scratch her all over. She was not bred as a first winter lamb, but since then has produce beautiful active lambs. Wendy is one of the ‘Golden Girls’ that our Dalurson Ram produced.
Nyx and her twins
Nyx -[lot of Canadian breeding]
SRX EWE 01H 886S-(2009-2) black.
Sire: SRX AI M2H RAM 59N -[CAN]576555-H -AI by Kani (Moorit-horned)
Dam: SRX AI EWE 01P 785L -[CAN]545132 -Excellent Mother lambing record (1,1,?,?,3)
Came to us from Promised Land Farm, Nyx is shy of people, but bold in the feedlot (LOL) her fleece is curly, curly and soft. She is very black and does not look like she is going to grey out.
Junie -[Dalur]
BWT ZUNIE EWE M2P 49Z -Moorit/Grey. Carries black.
Sire: SRX AI RAM 01P 761S -[CAN]608068 -AI by Dalur (White-Polled)
Dam: BWT WINIFRED E B31P 27W -[CAN]645778-P - (Black/spotted)
Junie is a average height with a long, wide frame. She is somewhat friendly and will allow me to scratch her head and ears.